Our extensive database of subcontractors and suppliers means we usually have just the person for the job, no matter what the job is, tender, design & build, negotiated. Simply upload your documents to our portal, and we will quickly notify all the relevant subcontractors in our database about the opportunity. Interested and available subcontractors can review the documents and submit their price directly to you. We keep you informed throughout the process with a daily activity report, so you know exactly where your project is at.
And it won’t cost you a dollar, our service is free of charge for main contractors.
No. of subcontractor logins last month
Access subcontractors on our extensive database
Manage your jobs via our Workdesk platform
Receive your own unique document link for each job and then send it to your subcontractors
Receive daily activity reports so you know who has viewed the documents
Receive a weekly report summarising current and awarded jobs
Easy access to all documents and reports on the Workdesk
Option to bypass our website and create your own document link with full tracking